
Showing posts from September, 2020

Désorientale: An Addition to the Tradition of Márquezic Multigenerational Story and the Quality of Proustian Sensation

    When cultures fall to pieces by forces or through intrusions, our identities reconstruct and throw us into the incalculable dismissal, we procede our lives with the weightiness of other’s histories, always in existential crisis, always in escape. We create and embrace the new cultures and identities in exchange of disintegrating and losing the old and own which I will name, assumedly, dialectical culturalism. As a Bengali Muslim I always find my subsistence in the concoction of Indian ancestry, Bengali cultures, Persian linguistics, Arabic religiosity and British modernity namely so many that always hang my identity in creation. I have always been searching for an exact word for my condition to be expressed fully. Providentially, I have met a title of a novel that has nearly reflected my reality is Désorientale , a debut French novel written by French-Iranian Négar Djavadi (Ėditions Liana Levi, 2016) and translated by Tina Kover in English as Disoriental (Europa Edition, 2018)